Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 1 - 12 of 50 in total

Cash Contribution for Learning C...


Pizza Date with Nurse Melissa & ...

Melissa DeFonce

Superintendent for the Day!

Carl Albano

Weekend Stay at Chalet on Hunter...

Hunter Pine LLC

1 week stay in Gulf front home i...

Doug & Peggy Hale

Principal for the Day

Allison Emig

Four Yankees Tickets

Karen & Carl Nelson

Ice Cream Date with Mrs. Ricci

Stacy Ricci

The Art of Natural Soapmaking Wo...

Marjorie Guigliano

Two Beautiful Boules of Bread

Brian and Sarah Tormey

Whiskey & Dinner Night

Brian and Sarah Tormey

Chiarascura by Claire Chambers

Claire Chambers